Monday, August 13, 2012

Victoria Farming and Fishing Organization (VIFAFI) is an Non Governmental Organization registered since 1999. Between July 2000 and June 2006 the Organization were involved in an integrated various project interventions which were aimed at food security and income gain from agriculture and fishing activities to Musoma rural communities, also capacity building to the government, group leaders and environment conservation through tree planting programs to individual farmers and in institutions like primary and secondary schools, dispensaries and village social centers.

What do we do
Currently VIFAFI is aiming at improving the standard of living in selected rural villages of Musoma district by stimulating social and economic development through the following activities:-
  • Facilitate the agricultural and fishing sectors

  • Farmers increase household income and employment through the sustainable Jatropha cultivation and the sale of its products
Figure 3: From the Jatropha plant to Jatropha soap[1]

[1] Source: AECF Spotlight on Tanzania Newsletter, 2012 

  • Improve food security and nutrition through sustainable vegetable and livestock production
  • Market linkage for farmer producer groups
  • Facilitate farmer groups to access reliable and favourable markets
  • Facilitate the process for  access to financial services through SACCOs
  • Community organization and improvement of basic water supply to communities.
  • Awareness creation on social side effects caused by HIV/AIDS & Female genital mutilations. 
  • Control soil erosion and environmental conservation through tree planting program.

Current projects

VIFAFI Project

Is an intrgreted rural development project that is implemented in 13 villages; Seka, Chumwi, Butata, Busungu, Rusoli, Musanja, Nyakiswa, Bukabwa, Masurura, Kamgendi, Kyankoma, Kongoto and Baranga

FOA Project

Is the sister project of VIFAFI project that aim to strengthen the already established interventions implemented by VIFAFI and JANI project in all 19 villages: Seka, Chumwi, Butata, Busungu, Rusoli, Musanja, Nyakiswa, Bukabwa, Masurura, Kamgendi, Kyankoma, Kongoto and Baranga but also to Mmazami, Kirumi, Ryamisanga, Kwisaro, Kitaramanka and Sirorisimba vilages.


To whom we do

  • Small scale farmers and partly fishermen comprised of 3,625 members in 23 groups, out of which 40% are women and 60 % are men. 
  • A total of 1,300 farmers who are non-members but involved in agriculture benefit directly from the subsidized agriculture inputs and implements (seeds and pesticides, ox- plough, ox- carts, farm sprayers).  

So Far/Impact




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